


Nasru holds a bachelor of law (LL.B) and a Master of Law in International Law with International Relations from Tumaini University Makumira. His areas of interest in research are, Constitutional Law and Legal System, Regional Integration and EAC Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, International Human Rights Law, International Refugee Law, International Criminal Law, and Public International Law in General. Nasru has written several papers including; 'Statelessness and National Legislations: Tanzania on the Brink' co-authored with Prof John Ruhangisa; 'Effectiveness of the Legal Aid Act, 2017 in Administration of Justice in Tanzania', The Unity of Community Legal Order: Juxtaposing a Relationship between the East African Court of Justice and National Courts’; and ‘Of Hope and Despair: Unmasking Immunity under the Malabo Protocol’Immunity under the Malabo Protocol’. Nasru is currently researching on Reparations under International Law from the Impact of Colonial Rule in Africa.