
EAHRI jointly with the University of Dar es Salaam , School of Law, Law of school of Tanzania have initiated continuing legal and human rights education for human rights defenders. The first Module was conducted in Dar es Salam at Law School on 7 and 8 August where about 70 legal Aid HRDS were trained. The trainers were Dr Nick Praygod , Dr Vero Bichumi, Dr Protas , Adv Onesmo Olengurumwa , Adv Kahemela from MInistry of Constitution and Legal Affairs , Adv Kisa Kisa and Ms Felister of the LST Lega Aid Center

Role of Human Rights Defenders in the Provision of Legal Aid Services Human rights defenders play a multifaceted role in the provision of legal aid services in Tanzania. Their contributions include providing legal aid services, including legal advice, representation, and support in court proceedings. They assist individuals in navigating the justice system, ensuring their rights are protected and promoting access to justice for marginalized communities. HRDs work towards improving laws, regulations, and policies related to legal aid, ensuring they are inclusive and accessible to all. They also raise public awareness about human rights issues, including the importance of legal aidservices. Through campaigns, workshops, and community outreach. They educate individuals about their rights, the available legal remedies, and how to access legal aid services.

Capacity Gaps in Legal Aid Services To effectively address legal aid needs in Tanzania, it is crucial to identify the capacity gaps that human rights defenders face. Some of the common capacity gaps include limited Resources. human rights defenders operate with limited financial resources, making it challenging to provide comprehensive legal aid services. Insufficient funding restricts their ability to hire qualified staff, maintain offices, and support their clients throughout legal processes. Moreover, HRDs lack specialized training in legal aid services, including areas such as legal research, advocacy, and case management. Enhancing their knowledge and skills through targeted training programs would significantly contribute to their effectiveness. Limited access to legal databases, case law, and updated legal resources also hinders their ability to offer comprehensive legal aid services. Furthermore, geographic and outreach limitations impede the provision of legal aid services in remote and rural areas. Human rights defenders may face challenges in reaching marginalized communities due to limited infrastructure, transportation, and awareness of available services.

Therefore, comprehensive continue legal and human rights education is among the strategies developed to address the capacity related gaps. This will improve skills of HRDs who provide legal aid services, specifically on legal research, case management, advocacy, legal compliance, legal aid ethics and knowledge on relevant laws and regulations. Moreover, these training sessions provide a good platform for sharing legal information, case studies, and best practices among HRDs.